Yecla tourist office
Oficina de Turismo de Yecla The tourist information office in Yecla is centrally located in the heart of the old quarter of Yecla, in the Plaza Mayor. In early 2025, due to renovation work at the usual office, the service..

The Teatro Concha Segura in Yecla
This central theatre in Yecla dates from the 1880s The current Teatro Concha Segura was built between 1886 and 1887 and occupies the spot on which the former Pósito de Labradores grain store was located.  The theatre..

Free camper van park in Yecla
The Yecla facility is equipped for grey and black water disposal and other services The Área de Servicio de Autocaravanas on the southern edge of the town of Yecla is just a 25-minute walk from the Plaza Mayor and the centre..

The Town Hall in the Plaza Mayor of Yecla
A 16th century building is home to the Town Hall of Yecla The main Town Hall building in Yecla is the building formerly known as the Concejo in the Plaza Mayor, the main square of the old town centre which also contains the..